The Next Step in Protection

Back in January there were a couple of articles about passwords:

Are Your Passwords Secure?

Password Managers

Hopefully you have been tightening up your passwords over the last couple of months.  If not, consider this your friendly reminder😊

Let’s take a look at the next step in making your information secure — 2-Step Authentication.  You are probably already using 2-Step Authentication on some website because they require it, but it’s smart to use it on all sites that offer it.

2-Step Authentication is a process that requires a code to complete the login process.  Most often it is a text to your phone with five or six random numbers that you need to input.  Another method, which is considered more secure, is an app that runs on your phone that provides you with a code to input. Authentication apps like Authy or Duo Mobile offer improvements over text-based authentication. They work by generating a one-time number in the app that matches the number the website uses.

Benefits of using an Authentication App:

  • More secure

  • Works even when the phone network is down

  • No need to wait for a text (or email)

If you choose to move to an app, here are a few things to consider.  Does the app:

  • Have a good reputation

  • Work on your phone

  • Have backup and recovery

  • Have dedicated support

If you need help moving to an Authentication App, please contact me.