Whether it’s Virtual Assistance
(with or without AI),
Website Improvement,
or Technology Coaching,
Handling Business is ready to help you find the right solution.

Just click on the logo below to find the help you need.

I partner with small-business owners, entrepreneurs and freelancers to build their businesses to their greatest potential. By being a project manager, website manager, and a tech-savvy VA, I can provide the help needed to reach your business goals.  Let’s chat about your business needs. Together we’ll figure out a customized solutions that works for you.

Handling Business | Tech Tip Tuesday | Tech-Savvy VA
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RSS Hey! Do I Need a VA?
  • You found a VA, now what? June 14, 2024
    You found a VA. Yay!! Now what? Getting started is the fun part but it can be a little overwhelming. Most of the time, a VA will let the client lead the onboarding process. The client brings the WHAT and the VA is the resource for the HOW. This getting started call is usually logistical, […]
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