AI for Everyone | Give AI a Role to Play

If you have tried an AI tool to help write something, you may have become frustrated with the results.  Sometimes AI just gets it wrong.  Most of the time, it’s the style or tone that needs the most work.  To help improve the results, try telling AI to act in a specific role.  For example, start your prompt with:

  • You are a highly skilled Tech Savvy Virtual Assistant . . .

  • You are a marketing guru . . .

  • You are an understanding ADHD coach . . .

Starting with the role you want the AI to use will help focus the AI’s results.

Other improvements come with using instructions that include the style (casual, business, friendly) you want AI to use.  For example:

  • . . . write a friendly email to your colleague about . . .

  • . . . create a formal business proposal for . . .

  • . . . using a casual tone, create a presentation . . .

Using these two instructions together will improve the written results you get.  Give it a try.