AI for Everyone | Try Copilot

Are you holding back on trying AI?  Follow these 3 simple steps to see how easy it is to get started:

  1. Go to (no need to create an account)
  2. Type your instructions/question in the box
  3. Click arrow

Here’s a screenshot of what it looks like just before clicking the blue arrow.

Want to give it a try and see the answer Copilot gives?  Simply follow the instructions above and copy/paste this prompt in the box:

You are the Activities Director for a fun group of co-workers.  The group really needs a break and to have a fun, low-cost or no-cost, get-together this weekend.  Suggest three events that they can consider in the San Diego area.  Research availability and provide links for each suggestion.

! Do not give personal/confidential/sensitive information to any AI.  Think twice before giving AI a pictures of yourself; once you do, AI can use your likeness for other images.